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作者:彭树智 闫伟 出版日期:2016年06月 报告页数:20 页 报告大小: 报告字数:20188 字 所属图书:中东问题研究 2016年第1期(总第3期) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:彭树智先生,1931年生,陕西泾阳人。1954年毕业于西北大学历史系,同年被保送至北京大学研究生院亚洲史专业。他曾长期担任西北大学历史系主任、文博学院院长、中东研究所所长等职务,现为西北大学中东研究所名誉所长、教授、博士生导师,培养博士生36名,其中大部分已成为我国中东研究的骨干力量。他在中东和南亚史、世界近现代史、国际共运史和史学理论研究方面的研究成果卓著,编撰的《二十世纪中东史》、《阿拉伯国家史》、《中东国家通史》(13卷)、《中东史》等已成... 展开



Abstract:Prof. Peng Shuzhi,born in 1931,from Jingyang of Shanxi province. He graduated from History Department of China’s Northwestern University in 1954,and was recommended as a postgraduate researcher at Peking University in that same year. His major was Asian history. Prof.Peng has served as the dean of History Department and the director of The Institution of Middle Eastern Studies(IMES)at Northwestern University for long time. At pr... 展开

Abstract:Prof. Peng Shuzhi,born in 1931,from Jingyang of Shanxi province. He graduated from History Department of China’s Northwestern University in 1954,and was recommended as a postgraduate researcher at Peking University in that same year. His major was Asian history. Prof.Peng has served as the dean of History Department and the director of The Institution of Middle Eastern Studies(IMES)at Northwestern University for long time. At present,he is the supervisor of Doctor’s candidates and the honorable director of IMES. He has supervised 36 Ph.D. students,most of whom form the backbone of China’s Middle East studies. In research aspect,Prof.Peng has focused on the history of Middle East and South Asia,modern world history,history of international communist movement,and theory of history. He has written and edited the:A History of Middle East in the Twentieth Century,A History of the Middle East Countries(13 Vols),A History of the Middle East,The History of Arabian Countries. These books are the foundation for Middle Eastern history studies in China. In recent years,Prof.Peng has also taught and written,focusing more attention on human civilization communication and civilization consciousness. He has published many books on this topic,which provide a new path about world history and Middle East studies. The editor of journal holds an interview with Prof. Peng,and introduces the latter’s academic experience and thoughts,in order to contribute to China’s world history and Middle East Studies.



