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作者:唐永亮 出版日期:2016年05月 报告页数:15 页 报告大小: 报告字数:14058 字 所属丛书:日本蓝皮书 所属图书:日本研究报告(2016) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:冲绳美军基地问题是日本国内政治和日美双边关系中最棘手的问题之一。2015年冲绳基地问题主要表现为普天间基地搬迁问题,其主要经历了检查阶段、对话阶段、取消许可证阶段和全面对决阶段,对立级别不断提升。在翁长雄志执掌冲绳县政以后,基地搬迁问题历经波折,仍在持续发酵。普天间基地搬迁问题非常复杂,它既受日美军事同盟关系和美国亚太战略制约,又是冲绳县和日本中央政府以及美国因素相互角力、政治博弈造成的结果。该问题不仅对日本国内政治而且对日美军事同盟和美... 展开



Abstract:Okinawa base issue is one of the most difficult issues both in Japanese domestic politics as well as Japan-U.S. relations. In 2015,the relocation of Futenma base becomes the focus of the Okinawa base problem,which has undergone the stages of inspection,negotiation,cancellation of permission and all-out confrontation. The opposition between the central government and Okinawa has became intensified,with the issue having been throug... 展开

Abstract:Okinawa base issue is one of the most difficult issues both in Japanese domestic politics as well as Japan-U.S. relations. In 2015,the relocation of Futenma base becomes the focus of the Okinawa base problem,which has undergone the stages of inspection,negotiation,cancellation of permission and all-out confrontation. The opposition between the central government and Okinawa has became intensified,with the issue having been through a series of twists and turns and constantly fermented since the end of 2014 when Takeshi Onaga took office as Governor of Okinawa. The issue of Futenma base’s relocation is very complicated under the joint impact of Japan-U.S. military alliance,American strategy in Asia-pacific region and the political struggle and gaming among Okinawa,Japan and U.S.,and it will continue to impose important impact on domestic politics in Japan,Japan-U.S. military alliance and U.S regional strategy.


