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作者:丘进 出版日期:2014年01月 报告页数:33 页 报告大小: 报告字数:28695 字 所属丛书:华侨华人蓝皮书 所属图书:华侨华人研究报告(2013) 浏览人数: 下载人数:


Abstract:The general report is divided into 3 parts.Firstly,the essence of the all articles of the blue book has been captured and a comprehensive review is given in order to highlight the main points and characteristics,this is a key purpose of the general report.Second,the process and problems of the Chinese business activities in Europe is analyzed as a case study,and some advices and suggestions are put forward from a consideration of ... 展开

Abstract:The general report is divided into 3 parts.Firstly,the essence of the all articles of the blue book has been captured and a comprehensive review is given in order to highlight the main points and characteristics,this is a key purpose of the general report.Second,the process and problems of the Chinese business activities in Europe is analyzed as a case study,and some advices and suggestions are put forward from a consideration of new angle of the study on overseas Chinese economy in the whole world.Lastly,a preliminary exploration in the theoretical transformation from extensive and scatted research to an intensive model is presented,and many new ideas and suggestions are provided for the practice and guidance for research on overseas Chinese.



丘进:男,汉族,籍贯安徽全椒。暨南大学中外关系史专业博士,教授、博士生导师,中国中外关系史学会副会长。曾先后担任西安交通大学副校长、华侨大学校长以及中国人民大学、上海师范大学、外交学院、暨南大学的兼职教授,现任华侨大学华侨华人研究院名誉院长、哲学和社会发展学院教授,西安交通大学教授、博士生导师。 主持教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题“高校辅导员队伍建设及长效机制研究”、财政部有关华侨事业发展的委托项目“海外华人的中华传统文化传播机制研究”“华侨农场发展模式研究”,参与国家社会科学基金重大项目“海外华侨生存安全预警与救护机制研究”和教育部重大委托项目“华侨华人在国家软实力建设中的作用研究”等。