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作者:包澄章 出版日期:2015年11月 报告页数:18 页 报告大小: 报告字数:16691 字 所属丛书:阿拉伯黄皮书 所属图书:阿拉伯发展报告(2014~2015) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:中东剧变以来,突尼斯、埃及等国经历起落;沙特、卡塔尔等海湾国家通过对地区宗教政治话语权的争夺加紧政治博弈,阿拉伯世界宗教政治化特征日益明显;宗教极端思潮强势反弹,导致地区安全局势日益恶化。萨拉菲主义势力通过构建强调教派对立的萨拉菲话语体系,形成跨国联动效应,对抗什叶派势力。以“伊斯兰国”组织为代表的宗教极端势力,意识形态话语权之争加剧,攻击对象出现“远敌”和“近敌”并重趋势,内部出现结构性分化。未来,阿拉伯世界将面临伊斯兰政治思潮内部... 展开



Abstract:Since the upheaval in the Middle East,the Islamic political forces experienced ups and downs in Tunisia,Egypt and other countries in the region;Saudi Arabia,Qatar and other Gulf countries intensified their political game by competing for regional religious and political discourse right. The Arab world has seen an increasingly obvious politicization of religion and a strong rebound of religious extremism,which jointly resulted in ... 展开

Abstract:Since the upheaval in the Middle East,the Islamic political forces experienced ups and downs in Tunisia,Egypt and other countries in the region;Saudi Arabia,Qatar and other Gulf countries intensified their political game by competing for regional religious and political discourse right. The Arab world has seen an increasingly obvious politicization of religion and a strong rebound of religious extremism,which jointly resulted in the deteriorating security situation in the region. By building the discourse system which gives emphasis to sectarian opposition,the Salafist forces have forged transnational linkage effects against Shiite forces. Religious extremism represented by the “Islamic State” further intensifies the competition for ideological discourse right,and both “far enemies” and “near enemies” have become the central targets of attack. It is predicted that in the future the Arab world will face gradual split of Islamic-political thoughts from inside,challenge from religious extremism to mainstream Islamic values,and the networking of sociopolitical thoughts and extremist ideologies.


