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作者:许涛 出版日期:2015年07月 报告页数:10 页 报告大小: 报告字数:9288 字 所属丛书:上海合作组织黄皮书 所属图书:上海合作组织发展报告(2015) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:上海合作组织成立14年来,经历了数次全球性和地区性重大事件的洗礼。这些突发事件不仅没有使上海合作组织分裂和瓦解,反而使其积累了更多的经验。同时,由于自身性质和组织构成的特点,上海合作组织对历次重大突发事件的反应和作为也并不尽如人意。随着全球化“裹挟”下的国际关系格局正进入大调整、大落差、大动荡时期,更具不确定性和颠覆性的重大突发事件仍将不以人们意志为转移地出现,如乌克兰危机、“伊斯兰国”成立等。上海合作组织有效应对这类突发事件的影响,确... 展开



Abstract:In the past 14 years since its founding,the SCO has undergone baptism of several global and regional consequenical sudden incidents. These events not only let the SCO not disintegrate and collapse but on contrary,accumulate more experience. In the meantime,due to its own inherent nature and structural characteristics,the SCO’s responses and actions to them have had an undesirable aspect. As the structure of international relation... 展开

Abstract:In the past 14 years since its founding,the SCO has undergone baptism of several global and regional consequenical sudden incidents. These events not only let the SCO not disintegrate and collapse but on contrary,accumulate more experience. In the meantime,due to its own inherent nature and structural characteristics,the SCO’s responses and actions to them have had an undesirable aspect. As the structure of international relations has enter the period of undergoing great adjsutments,falls,and disorders,there will inevitably occur sudden consequential incidents of greater uncertainty subversion without taking the human will into consideration,say,the Ukranian Crisis and the “ISIS”. Whether the SCO can effectively respond to the impact of this kind of events and ensure its member state unaffected depends on the three requirements as follows:the first is recognition out of a global perspective;the second is mechanism of coordination of political positions,and the third is corresponding organizational measures and processes. These should be the SCO’s missions from now on in addition to the initiation and expansion of its member states’s work.


