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作者:张金岭 出版日期:2013年12月 报告页数:27 页 报告大小: 报告字数:25905 字 所属丛书:中欧关系蓝皮书 所属图书:中欧关系研究报告(2014) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:过去十年,中法关系遭遇过曲折,但总体上保持良好的发展态势。政治上,双方确立全面战略伙伴关系,高层互访频繁且富有成效,政治互动逐步机制化,但2008年遭遇低谷表明双边关系在政治上不够稳定;两国经贸合作继续深入,但贸易摩擦的存在,表明两国需要进一步深化合作,同时应避免经济问题政治化;人文交流不断深入,有利于进一步稳固两国关系的社会与人文基础;科技合作不断发展,合作主题不断创新。中法未来如何在尊重彼此核心利益的前提下深入发展两国关系,值得期待。 展开



Abstract:The China-France bilateral relations over the past ten years have maintained a good momentum,but they have suffered some setbacks. Politically,China and France have established a comprehensive strategic partnership,with frequent and fruitful high-level visits,and the political interaction between both sides has gradually been institutionalized. But the setbacks in 2008 highlighted the instability of the bilateral relations. Econom... 展开

Abstract:The China-France bilateral relations over the past ten years have maintained a good momentum,but they have suffered some setbacks. Politically,China and France have established a comprehensive strategic partnership,with frequent and fruitful high-level visits,and the political interaction between both sides has gradually been institutionalized. But the setbacks in 2008 highlighted the instability of the bilateral relations. Economically,the bilateral economic and trade cooperation continues,while the trade friction between the two countries highlights the needs for deepening bilateral economic cooperation,and avoiding the politicization of the economic issues. Cultural and human exchanges between China and France have been deepened,which further consolidated the bilateral strategic partnership. Scientific and technological cooperation has been continuously enhanced,with themes increasingly updated and key areas timely adjusted. We have enough reasons to believe that China and France will deepen in the future their bilateral relations under the premise of respecting each other’s core interests.


