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作者:程卫东 出版日期:2013年12月 报告页数:11 页 报告大小: 报告字数:10940 字 所属丛书:中欧关系蓝皮书 所属图书:中欧关系研究报告(2014) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:中国和欧盟都强烈支持联合国安理会在应对全球威胁与挑战、保卫国际和平与安全中发挥核心的作用,但到目前为止,中国和欧盟在安理会中只有有限的合作。本文分析了可能影响中国与欧盟之间在安理会开展合作的主要因素,如欧盟在联合国中的地位、中欧在联合国中的优先事项的差异、中欧对某些基本国际原则的不同认知等,并探讨中欧之间可能开展合作的主要领域以及双方在安理会中合作的目标、方式与原则等。报告认为尽管中欧在安理会存在着合作,但双方离实现深层次的全面合作目... 展开



Abstract:China and the EU both strongly support the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to play a central role in coping with global threats and challenges and in safeguarding international peace and security. However,China and the EU have so far had only limited cooperation in the UNSC. This report analyses the major factors which may affect the cooperation between China and the EU,such as the EU’s status in the UN,the preference gap... 展开

Abstract:China and the EU both strongly support the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to play a central role in coping with global threats and challenges and in safeguarding international peace and security. However,China and the EU have so far had only limited cooperation in the UNSC. This report analyses the major factors which may affect the cooperation between China and the EU,such as the EU’s status in the UN,the preference gap between China and the EU in the UN and their different perceptions of some basic international principles. It also explores the possible areas for and the objectives,ways and principles of cooperation between China and the EU in the UNSC. It draws a conclusion that although cooperation between China and the EU does exist in certain fields,there are still disparities and a long way to go before forming deep-going and comprehensive cooperation between the two sides.


