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作者:丁波涛 出版日期:2023年11月 报告页数:26 页 报告大小: 报告字数:21969 字 所属丛书:全球信息社会蓝皮书 所属图书:全球信息社会发展报告(2023) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:生成式人工智能是全球范围内广受关注的前沿技术,将给人类社会带来巨大的影响,一方面将赋能百业,促进经济发展与社会进步;另一方面也可能引发数据安全、社会伦理等方面的诸多挑战。本文梳理了AIGC的发展历程及其对智慧社会中知识生产、知识劳动、知识传播等的影响,分析了AIGC带来的智慧社会建设新机遇,包括改变社会生产形式、改变社会生活方式、改变社会治理模式等,探讨了AIGC引发的智慧社会新挑战,尤其是安全层面、社会层面和伦理层面的巨大冲击。同时,针对AIGC对... 展开



Abstract:Generative Artificial Intelligence is an advanced technology that has gained widespread attention globally. It is poised to have a significant impact on human society. On one hand,AIGC empowers various industries,promoting economic development and societal progress. On the other hand,it may also give rise to numerous challenges concerning data security,societal ethics,and more. This paper delineates the developmental trajectory o... 展开

Abstract:Generative Artificial Intelligence is an advanced technology that has gained widespread attention globally. It is poised to have a significant impact on human society. On one hand,AIGC empowers various industries,promoting economic development and societal progress. On the other hand,it may also give rise to numerous challenges concerning data security,societal ethics,and more. This paper delineates the developmental trajectory of AIGC,as well as its influence on knowledge production,labor,and dissemination in a smart society. It analyzes the novel opportunities AIGC brings to the construction of a smart society,including alterations in production modes,lifestyles,and governance models. Moreover,the paper delves into the fresh challenges introduced by AIGC in the realm of a smart society,particularly its substantial implications for security,societal dynamics,and ethical considerations. Given the potentially substantial positive and negative impacts of AIGC on human society,the paper presents recommendations such as fostering technological innovation in AIGC,promoting its extensive application,and strengthening governance and oversight measures.


