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作者:〔伊朗〕哈桑·祖尔法伽里(HassanZolfaghari) 赵静 出版日期:2023年07月 报告页数:12 页 报告大小: 报告字数:11771 字 所属图书:新丝路学刊 总第15期 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:“丝绸”,全世界最大的经济与文化之路以其命名,在过去的岁月中,丝绸之路将欧亚非三大陆连接起来。它东起中国西汉首都——长安(今西安),向西抵达欧洲向东方开放的门户——意大利。丝绸之路分陆海两路,除了进行货物贸易,也传播各种不同文化。本文阐述了丝绸之路上文明交流的部分领域,重点关注伊朗文化,包括五个研究领域:丝绸之路上各族群之间的人文交流;丝绸之路沿线的碑铭;丝绸之路沿线发生的文明冲突或战争;经由丝绸之路运输的文化商品;丝绸之路上进行的艺... 展开



Abstract:“Silk”,the world’s largest economic and cultural road is named after it. In the past years,the Silk Road connected the three continents of Europe,Asia and Africa. It started from Chang’an (now Xi’an),the capital of China’s Western Han Dynasty in the east,to Italy,the gateway of Europe to the east. The Silk Road is divided into land and water. In addition to trade in goods,various civilizations also spread. This article ... 展开

Abstract:“Silk”,the world’s largest economic and cultural road is named after it. In the past years,the Silk Road connected the three continents of Europe,Asia and Africa. It started from Chang’an (now Xi’an),the capital of China’s Western Han Dynasty in the east,to Italy,the gateway of Europe to the east. The Silk Road is divided into land and water. In addition to trade in goods,various civilizations also spread. This article will describe some of the manifestations of civilized exchanges on the Silk Road,which mainly include five areas,each of which enumerates a few simple examples,focusing on Iranian culture. The five research fields include:People-to-people exchanges on the Silk Road and cultural exchanges between ethnic groups;inscriptions along the Silk Road;the war to shape or burn civilization;cultural goods transported through the Silk Road;art,language,and literary exchanges on the Silk Road,including the study of literature,language,painting,and architecture. The content of these five areas is very extensive,and it is hoped that this article can open the door to this grand theme. This most important communication channel in the ancient world is worthy of our extensive and in-depth research.



〔伊朗〕哈桑·祖尔法伽里(Hassan Zolfaghari):〔伊朗〕哈桑·祖尔法伽里(Hassan Zolfaghari),上海外国语大学波斯语专业外籍专家。
