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作者:郑曦 出版日期:2019年03月 报告页数:16 页 报告大小: 报告字数:13622 字 所属图书:北外法学(2019年第1期 总第1期) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:作为国家的根本大法,宪法在任何一个国家的法律体系中都起着基石性的作用,在很大程度上决定了作为部门法的刑事诉讼法的形态和发展方向。而在当代人权保障意识逐步深入人心的形势下,刑事诉讼法由于在保障公民权利方面的突出作用,又常被称为“小宪法”70428966或“国家宪法的测震仪”70428967。宪法与刑事诉讼法关系十分紧密,且在限制国家权力和保障公民权利方面有诸多交集。然而各个国家由于其政治体制的差异,在宪法与刑事诉讼法的关系方面存在诸多差别。美国作为世界... 展开



Abstract:As the fundamental law of the country,the Constitution plays a cornerstone role in the legal system of any country,which largely determines the form and development direction of the criminal procedure law as a departmental law. Under the era of contemporary human rights protection consciousness gradually reaching the hearts of the people,the criminal procedure law is often called the “small constitution” because of its prominent ... 展开

Abstract:As the fundamental law of the country,the Constitution plays a cornerstone role in the legal system of any country,which largely determines the form and development direction of the criminal procedure law as a departmental law. Under the era of contemporary human rights protection consciousness gradually reaching the hearts of the people,the criminal procedure law is often called the “small constitution” because of its prominent role in protecting citizens' rights.The constitution is closely related to the criminal procedure law,it has many intersections in restricting state power and safeguarding civil rights. However,due to differences in their political systems,there are many differences in the relationship between the Constitution and the Criminal Procedure Law. As the first country in the world to formulate a written constitution,the United States has a certain representativeness of its interaction with the Constitution and the Criminal Procedure Law,which can provide us with some reference and reference.


