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作者:于海青 出版日期:2020年06月 报告页数:16 页 报告大小: 报告字数:15404 字 所属丛书:国际共运黄皮书 所属图书:国际共产主义运动发展报告(2019~2020) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2019年,比利时工人党异军突起,成为当前西方共产党普遍面临发展困境时最具生长潜力的政治力量。工人党的发展历程颇多曲折。自2008年党代会实现理论战略“更新”、提出“原则性”与“灵活性”相结合战略后,工人党开始走上逆境崛起之路。工人党兴起的过程,是“原则性”与“灵活性”相结合战略的具体落地过程。在这一战略指导下,工人党制定了一系列既彰显党的政治立场和身份特征,又严谨务实、灵活多样的行动策略。这些富有特色且卓有成效的政治实践,奠定了工人党崛起的... 展开



Abstract:In 2019,PTB/PVDA emerged as the most potential political force in the current general development dilemma of the western communist parties. There were many twists and turns in the development of PTB/PVDA. It has embarked on the road of rising since the Party Congress of 2008 that achieved the “renewal” of theoretical strategy,and put forward the strategy of combining “principle” and “flexibility”. The process of the rise of PT... 展开

Abstract:In 2019,PTB/PVDA emerged as the most potential political force in the current general development dilemma of the western communist parties. There were many twists and turns in the development of PTB/PVDA. It has embarked on the road of rising since the Party Congress of 2008 that achieved the “renewal” of theoretical strategy,and put forward the strategy of combining “principle” and “flexibility”. The process of the rise of PTB/PVDA is the implementation process of the strategy of combining “principle” and “flexibility”. Under the guidance of this strategy,PTB/PVDA has formulated a series of rigorous,pragmatic and flexible action tactics that show the party’s political position and identity. These distinctive and effective political practices have laid the foundation for the rise of PTB/PVDA,and also have reference and inspiration significance for western communist parties which are currently facing the confusion of strategic choice.


