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作者:跨国企业遵守“一个中国”原则状况观察课题组 出版日期:2020年01月 报告页数:36 页 报告大小: 报告字数:29120 字 所属丛书:网络法治蓝皮书 所属图书:中国网络法治发展报告(2019) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:国家统一和领土主权完整是任何一个国家的核心利益,也是国际法予以尊重的普遍原则,并在各主权国家的法律中以不同形式体现出来。跨国公司作为当今国际经济领域的重要市场主体,遵守所在国法律应该是其开展业务的前提。虽然目前台湾尚未统一,香港和澳门特别行政区回归之后实行“一国两制”,但“一个中国”既是为国际法所确认的法理事实,也是包括跨国公司在内所有国际性私营或公共部门必须遵守的法律原则。但事实上,由于意识形态偏见或者无端的傲慢,以世界500强为代表... 展开



Abstract:As important players in international market,multinational enterprises shall abide by the laws of the host states,which is a prerequisite for business operation. Although Mainland and Taiwan is not yet unified in terms of governance,Hong Kong and Macao have been special administrative regions of PRC that operates under “One Country,Two Systems” principle,and the “One China Principle” is a legal fact recognized by internationa... 展开

Abstract:As important players in international market,multinational enterprises shall abide by the laws of the host states,which is a prerequisite for business operation. Although Mainland and Taiwan is not yet unified in terms of governance,Hong Kong and Macao have been special administrative regions of PRC that operates under “One Country,Two Systems” principle,and the “One China Principle” is a legal fact recognized by international law. All international public or private sector actors,including multinational enterprises,should comply with this principle. But in fact,because of ideological prejudice or unprovoked arrogance,it is not optimistic of the overall condition that “One China Principle” is respected by multinational enterprises in Fortune 500. In view of this fact,“Blue Book on Rule of Law in Cyberspace” has carried out a detailed investigation and research on the situation of compliance with the “One China Principle” by foreign enterprises.


