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作者:叶斌 出版日期:2013年04月 报告页数:13 页 报告大小: 报告字数:12198 字 所属丛书:欧洲蓝皮书 所属图书:欧洲发展报告(2012~2013) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:本报告期内,欧盟法制进程的特点十分明显,突出表现在三个方面:(1)欧盟与欧元区接连出台“六部立法”(Six-Pack)加强和完善《稳定与增长公约》,通过在欧盟法之外签订“财政契约”(Fiscal Compact)和建立欧洲稳定机制(ESM),以建立和促进经济与货币联盟的经济支柱;(2)加强金融市场监管立法;(3)继续推动“自由、安全与公正区域”建设。在司法方面,欧盟法院的判决涉及很多领域,其中航空碳排放交易机制案和微软案备受关注。中国企业首次在欧盟法院获得胜诉。 展开

文章摘要:本报告期内,欧盟法制进程的特点十分明显,突出表现在三个方面:(1)欧盟与欧元区接连出台“六部立法”(Six-Pack)加强和完善《稳定与增长公约》,通过在欧盟法之外签订“财政契约”(Fiscal Compact)和建立欧洲稳定机制(ESM),以建立和促进经济与货币联盟的经济支柱;(2)加强金融市场监管立法;(3)继续推动“自由、安全与公正区域”建设。在司法方面,欧盟法院的判决涉及很多领域,其中航空碳排放交易机制案和微软案备受关注。中国企业首次在欧盟法院获得胜诉。


Abstract:Progresses have been achieved mainly in the following aspects.Firstly,the EU and/or the Euro area have promulgated the "Six-Pack" to strengthen and improve the Stability and Growth Pact and adopted a "fiscal compact" in the form of international treaty instead of EU law to set up a permanent institution to rescue the debt-hit countries.Secondly,the EU has reinforced its supervision on the financial market to fill the institutional gap... 展开

Abstract:Progresses have been achieved mainly in the following aspects.Firstly,the EU and/or the Euro area have promulgated the "Six-Pack" to strengthen and improve the Stability and Growth Pact and adopted a "fiscal compact" in the form of international treaty instead of EU law to set up a permanent institution to rescue the debt-hit countries.Secondly,the EU has reinforced its supervision on the financial market to fill the institutional gaps discovered in the context of the debt crisis.Thirdly,the EU has adopted a number of regulations and directives to improve the construction of the Area of Freedom,Security and Justice.With respect to the case law,the European courts have delivered a number of judgments,the EU ETS case and the Microsoft case being the most influential.A Chinese firm named Xinan Chemical Industrial won the landmark case in the European Court of Justice.


