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作者:〔巴西〕AlexandrePereiradaSilva 程晶 [Brazil]AlexandrePereiradaSilva 出版日期:2020年08月 报告页数:20 页 报告大小: 报告字数:23923 字 所属丛书:巴西黄皮书 所属图书:巴西发展报告(2020) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2019年系博索纳罗执政首年。在总统博索纳罗和环境部长萨利斯的领导下,为了促进农业企业、矿业等行业的经济发展,博索纳罗政府在环境问题上采取了消极的态度,对内改革环境部并弱化其职能,架空环境监管机构,弱化环境监察力度,审查和调整自然保护区,姑息亚马逊地区的毁林和采矿,放宽农药使用许可,鼓励开发原住民保护区土地;对外放弃举办第25届联合国气候变化大会并试图退出《巴黎协定》,批评亚马逊基金,恶化了巴西与欧洲国家特别是与挪威和德国的关系。博索纳罗政... 展开



Abstract:In the first year of Bolsonaro’s reign in 2019,under the leadership of President Bolsonaro and Minister of environment Ricardo Salles,in order to promote the economic development of agribusiness and other areas,the new government took a negative attitude on environmental issues. At the domestic level,the new government reformed the Ministry of environment and weakened its functions,reduced the intensity of environmental supervis... 展开

Abstract:In the first year of Bolsonaro’s reign in 2019,under the leadership of President Bolsonaro and Minister of environment Ricardo Salles,in order to promote the economic development of agribusiness and other areas,the new government took a negative attitude on environmental issues. At the domestic level,the new government reformed the Ministry of environment and weakened its functions,reduced the intensity of environmental supervision,reviewed and adjusted the nature reserves,tolerated deforestation and mining in the Amazon region,relaxed the license for pesticide use,and encouraged the development of indigenous lands. At the international level,the new government gave up holding the 25th UN climate change conference and tried to withdraw from the Paris Agreement,criticizing Amazon fund,which worsened the relations between Brazil and European countries,especially with Norway and Germany. A series of environmental policies adopted by the Bolsonaro administration have shown a historical retrogression,which has changed Brazil’s active environmental protection position over the past three decades,brought Brazil’s efforts over the years to an abrupt end and seriously damaged Brazil’s international environmental image. In the face of severe criticism from domestic and foreign society,the environmental position of Bolsonaro administration has not changed fundamentally,and the future of Brazil’s environment is worrying.



〔巴西〕Alexandre Pereira da Silva:〔巴西〕Alexandre Pereira da Silva,法学博士,武汉大学中国边界与海洋研究院研究员。
