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作者:王光远 出版日期:2021年01月 报告页数:15 页 报告大小: 报告字数:13996 字 所属丛书:阿拉伯黄皮书 所属图书:阿拉伯发展报告(2020) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2019年,埃塞卜西总统任内去世让突尼斯总统大选提前举行,独立候选人凯斯·赛义德脱颖而出,反映民众对传统的世俗政党和伊斯兰政党缺乏信任,也标志着年轻一代正以自己的方式影响着国家的政局走势。在经济方面,突尼斯几项经济指标有所好转,但GDP增长不及预期,经济结构单一和失业率高等问题仍未得到有效解决。突尼斯在对外关系方面继续保持良好态势,与欧洲、阿拉伯国家和中国的友好往来频繁与合作进一步加深。安全形势继续好转,但恐怖袭击和难民问题仍是无法彻底解决的... 展开



Abstract:The death of President Essebsi in 2019 resulted in Tunisia’s presidential election ahead of schedule. Independent candidate Gus Said stood out,reflecting a lack of trust in traditional secular and Islamic parties,also marking the younger generation in its own way to influence the political situation of the country. In terms of economy,several indicators in Tunisia have improved,but GDP growth has fallen short of expectations,bec... 展开

Abstract:The death of President Essebsi in 2019 resulted in Tunisia’s presidential election ahead of schedule. Independent candidate Gus Said stood out,reflecting a lack of trust in traditional secular and Islamic parties,also marking the younger generation in its own way to influence the political situation of the country. In terms of economy,several indicators in Tunisia have improved,but GDP growth has fallen short of expectations,because the problems of single economic structure and high unemployment have not been effectively solved. Tunisia’s foreign relations maintain a good trend,further deepening friendly exchanges and cooperation with Europe,Arab countries and China. Security situation continues to improve;terrorist attacks and refugee problems,however,remain intractable. In the future,Tunisia will need to make greater efforts in the spheres of reforming economy,combating corruption and addressing the employment issue of young people,as to ensure a new phase of democratic transformation.


