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作者:岳圣淞 出版日期:2020年12月 报告页数:17 页 报告大小: 报告字数:18066 字 所属丛书:亚太蓝皮书 所属图书:亚太地区发展报告(2020) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:作为在亚太地区具有重要影响力和有广泛利益分布的大国,中美均长期致力于与该地区其他国家维持稳定的建设性关系,以打造在亚太地区实现特定战略目标的常态化路径和利益保障机制。基于不同的历史背景、现实需求和战略考量,中美在同亚太其他国家展开各领域互动的过程中,逐渐建立起两种性质、结构和功能相异的国家关系网络。对比分析发现,二者在发展理念和发展导向上存在本质区别,但同时又具有一定程度的互补性;在中国倡导的“一带一路”国际合作机制与美国推行的“印太... 展开



Abstract:As two major powers who possess pervasive influence and widespread interests over the Asia-Pacific,China and the United States have both dedicated to maintaining constructive relationships with countries in the region on a long-term basis,with the hope of realizing its strategic goals as well as protecting its interests in a normative manner. However,due to the differentiated historical experience,actual demand and strategic consi... 展开

Abstract:As two major powers who possess pervasive influence and widespread interests over the Asia-Pacific,China and the United States have both dedicated to maintaining constructive relationships with countries in the region on a long-term basis,with the hope of realizing its strategic goals as well as protecting its interests in a normative manner. However,due to the differentiated historical experience,actual demand and strategic considerations,China and the US founded two respectively self-centered Asia-Pacific networks which vary in several ways,particularly in nature,structure and function. A comparative study in this regard has shown that there is a strong potential of complementarity between the two networks,despite several fundamental differences. Besides,it is estimated that the competing pattern between China and the US within the Asia-Pacific region will be remodeled radically when it comes to the scenario of the Belt and Road Initiative confronting head-on with the “Indo-Pacific” Strategy by the US. As a consequence,the overall Asia-Pacific regional order in terms of security,politics and economy will be consistently affected.


