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作者:赵伟兵 出版日期:2014年04月 报告页数:11 页 报告大小: 报告字数:10978 字 所属丛书:澳门蓝皮书 所属图书:澳门经济社会发展报告(2013~2014) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2013年,澳门入境游客总人次再创历史新高,旅游负面影响进一步加剧,引发澳门社会对城市承载力的深度忧虑,世界旅游休闲中心的城市定位亦遭受广泛质疑。面对舆情,特区政府承诺检讨自由行政策,开展人口承载力研究,并推出游客优化分流措施。从根本上讲,当前澳门社会有关承载力的争论是一个政策取向问题,其核心在于如何权衡本地居民与游客的利益,保证经济和社会的协调发展。建设世界旅游休闲中心需要兼顾旅游和休闲两大元素,而休闲环境的营造离不开居民的理解、配合和... 展开



Abstract:The total number of arrivals to Macau has reached a historical height in 2013,exacerbating the negative impacts of tourism and triggering deep concerns over the urban carrying capacity by the community. Doubts were widely casted over the positioning of Macau as a world tourism and leisure centre. Facing with the public opinion,the Government has promised to review the Individual Travel Scheme and to conduct a study on the demographi... 展开

Abstract:The total number of arrivals to Macau has reached a historical height in 2013,exacerbating the negative impacts of tourism and triggering deep concerns over the urban carrying capacity by the community. Doubts were widely casted over the positioning of Macau as a world tourism and leisure centre. Facing with the public opinion,the Government has promised to review the Individual Travel Scheme and to conduct a study on the demographic carrying capacity. Measures were also taken to divert visitors to other neighbourhoods. Fundamentally speaking,controversies over urban carrying capacity is a question of policy orientation,whose core lies in balancing the interests between local residents and visitors in order to safeguard a coordinated economic and social development. In building a world tourism and leisure centre,both elements of tourism and leisure must be accounted for. The creation of a leisure atmosphere is incomplete without an understanding,cooperation and participation by local residents. It can be foreseen that the conflicts between population growth and resource scarcity will continue to exist. In view of this,it is suggested that the urban carrying capacity could be elevated through obtaining new resources,utilising excessive resources and scientific management. Considerations should also be given to reduce the number of visitors in an appropriate manner,or to distribute visitors to neighbourhoods which are still capable of receiving them.


