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作者:张玉 出版日期:2020年09月 报告页数:15 页 报告大小: 报告字数:13463 字 所属图书:以色列研究(第1辑) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:在经历了巴比伦流放之后,犹太民族呈现散居的生活状态,他们没有自己的国家政权,不得不接受异族的统治,其社群的发展也日趋多元化。随着生存状态的变化,犹太人的民族意识也发生了改变。《以斯拉记》《尼希米记》《以斯帖记》在一定程度上反映了巴比伦流放归来后犹太民族的生活。在这三个文本中,犹太人的民族意识有着不同的表现方式,如民族身份的认同方法、民族意识的种类以及民族意识中“上帝的选民”的指向都各不相同。本文通过研究这些文本,探讨巴比伦流放归来后的... 展开



Abstract:The Jewish nation was living in scattered groups since the time of the Persian Empire's reign.After the Babylonian exile,the Jews lost their state and sovereignty and had to abide by foreign rulers.Consequently,the development of Jewish communities in exile was gradually becoming more diverse.Under these circumstances,Jewish national consciousness needed to change so as to fit in with their current way of life.The book of Ezra,the... 展开

Abstract:The Jewish nation was living in scattered groups since the time of the Persian Empire's reign.After the Babylonian exile,the Jews lost their state and sovereignty and had to abide by foreign rulers.Consequently,the development of Jewish communities in exile was gradually becoming more diverse.Under these circumstances,Jewish national consciousness needed to change so as to fit in with their current way of life.The book of Ezra,the book of Nehemiah and the scroll of Esther provide a vivid description of this period.Jewish national consciousness was expressed distinctively in these texts.For instance,the way of defining their identity,the form that their national consciousness manifested and the underlying meaning of them seeing themselves as“the chosen people of God”,are all different.By means of reading and researching these texts,this article is going to investigate the subject of Jewish national consciousness at the given period.


