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作者:张金岭 出版日期:2019年10月 报告页数:9 页 报告大小: 报告字数:9986 字 所属丛书:欧洲蓝皮书 所属图书:欧洲发展报告(2018~2019) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:密集推进难民与移民政策改革是2018年欧盟社会局势最为显著的一个特点。在欧盟层面,各成员国有关难民问题的分歧日益严重,持续撕裂欧盟社会的内在团结。从国别层面看,德国历史性地出台首部移民法,旨在吸引具有专业技能的劳动者,以应对人口老龄化和劳动力短缺问题;法国推出新的《庇护与移民法》,着眼于严格管控移民并促进其更好地融入法国社会;英国则决定在“脱欧”后建立以技能为本的移民制度,“选择我所需要的人”。各国移民政策的调整折射出它们对外来人口的需求... 展开



Abstract:Intensive advancement of refugee and immigration policy reforms constitutes one of the most striking features of the EU social situation in 2018. At the EU level,the rising divergences among its member states on refugee issues have become increasingly serious and continue to erode the inner unity of the EU. From a national perspective,Germany historically introduced the first immigration law to attract workers with professional skil... 展开

Abstract:Intensive advancement of refugee and immigration policy reforms constitutes one of the most striking features of the EU social situation in 2018. At the EU level,the rising divergences among its member states on refugee issues have become increasingly serious and continue to erode the inner unity of the EU. From a national perspective,Germany historically introduced the first immigration law to attract workers with professional skills to cope with the aging population and labour shortage;France introduced a new Asylum and Immigration Act with a focus on strict control and better integration;the United King dom decided to establish a skill-based immigration system after “Brexit” and “choose the people I need”. The adjustment of immigration policies in different countries reflect their different needs on foreign populations and attitudes toward immigrants.


