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作者:王帅 出版日期:2019年09月 报告页数:10 页 报告大小: 报告字数:8747 字 所属丛书:拉美黄皮书 所属图书:拉丁美洲和加勒比发展报告(2018~2019) 浏览人数: 下载人数:


Abstract:In the face of the upcoming presidential election,the periodic political vibrations in Panama have emerged. The parties have played games for the general election and the social movement is active. The situation of elections has become more and more clear. The economic fundamentals are stable,but the growth rate slows down obviously and the fiscal deficit is increasing. The government regards social security and diplomacy as the key... 展开

Abstract:In the face of the upcoming presidential election,the periodic political vibrations in Panama have emerged. The parties have played games for the general election and the social movement is active. The situation of elections has become more and more clear. The economic fundamentals are stable,but the growth rate slows down obviously and the fiscal deficit is increasing. The government regards social security and diplomacy as the key areas for exerting political ambitions,but the sense of security of the people has not been improved. Improvement of poverty and inequality has been limited. On the diplomatic front,relations with neighboring countries have further developed,and the government has to balance prudently the relations with great powers outside the region.


