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作者:王新生 出版日期:2019年06月 报告页数:17 页 报告大小: 报告字数:15922 字 所属图书:日本文论 2019年第1辑(总第1辑) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:作为著名的马克思主义经济学家,有泽广巳在战前已经形成了坚实的统制体制经济思想,并在日本政府智囊机构的研究成果乃至经济政策中有所体现。在战后初期日本的经济复兴时期,有泽广巳提出著名的“倾斜生产方式”,即将有限的资源优先投入煤炭、钢铁等基础产业,该政策建议为政府采纳并产生积极效果。尽管该政策建议很快为美国政府主导的“道奇计划”所取代,但这一统制经济模式在日本独立后以“行政指导”的形式延续下来,成为经济高速增长的政策基础。日本实现经济赶超的... 展开



Abstract:As a famous Marxist economist,Arisawa Hiromi had built a solid foundation of economic thought relating to the controlled economy before the WWII,and was reflected in the research results of Japan’s think-tanks and even economic policies. In the period of economic recovery in the early postwar period,Arisawa proposed the famous “inclined mode of production”,recommending that the limited resources should be given priority to coal... 展开

Abstract:As a famous Marxist economist,Arisawa Hiromi had built a solid foundation of economic thought relating to the controlled economy before the WWII,and was reflected in the research results of Japan’s think-tanks and even economic policies. In the period of economic recovery in the early postwar period,Arisawa proposed the famous “inclined mode of production”,recommending that the limited resources should be given priority to coal,iron and steel and other basic industries. The policy recommendation was adopted by the government and had a positive effect on Japan’s economy. It was soon replaced by “the Dodge Plan” led by the US government,however. The model of government-controlled economy had been maintained in the form of “administrative guidance” providing a policy basis for Japan’s rapid economic growth. Since Japan having become the world second largest economy,the negative effect of that mode gradually emerged and played a major role in the collapse of Japan’s bubble economy.


