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作者:胡耀辉 出版日期:2019年06月 报告页数:22 页 报告大小: 报告字数:26603 字 所属图书:中东研究 2019年第1期(总第9期) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:联合国黎巴嫩问题特别法庭是联合国为解决黎巴嫩国内有罪不能惩罚问题以及追查前总理哈里里遇刺真凶的一个国际刑事法庭。联合国曾主导过一系列惩治国际犯罪的混合型法庭,黎巴嫩问题特别法庭就是国际社会力图干涉一个国家司法实践的案例。它是联合国越过主权国家而直接针对一个主权国家的个人采取的国际司法行为。黎巴嫩问题特别法庭的建立及其审判,进一步丰富了国际刑法的理论与实践。由于当前黎巴嫩国内政局两大政治阵营的对立和叙利亚危机的持续蔓延,法庭的公正性和效... 展开



Abstract:United Nations tribunal on Lebanon is an international criminal court,which strove to solve the problem of the Lebanese cannot punish guilty and track down those of former prime minister Rafik Hariri assassination.Under the United Nations,for punishing the crime,it established a series of international mixed court,Such as the security council in 2007 set up a the special tribunal for Lebanon.The United Nations has led a number of ... 展开

Abstract:United Nations tribunal on Lebanon is an international criminal court,which strove to solve the problem of the Lebanese cannot punish guilty and track down those of former prime minister Rafik Hariri assassination.Under the United Nations,for punishing the crime,it established a series of international mixed court,Such as the security council in 2007 set up a the special tribunal for Lebanon.The United Nations has led a number of the international mixed court of crime,the Special Tribunal for Lebanon is an international tribunal tried to interfere with an international judicial practice case.It is the United Nations over the sovereign state and directly against a sovereign state of the individual to take international judicial behavior.The establishment of the special court and the trial in Lebanon further enrich the theory and practice of international criminal law.Due to the two major political camps completed in the current domestic political situation in Lebanon,and continuing the spread of the Syrian crisis,Court of justice and efficiency is insufficient,which causes the Lebanese question special court prospects are grim.



