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作者:张勇 出版日期:2019年07月 报告页数:15 页 报告大小: 报告字数:15561 字 所属丛书:日本蓝皮书 所属图书:日本研究报告(2019) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2018年日本对朝政策,以美朝首脑会晤为时间节点,可划分为两个阶段:第一阶段日本对朝政策最突出的特点是强调“极限施压”;第二阶段更多体现为新形势下的“避险”策略,并非放弃“极限施压”,而是谋求相对均衡,使“极限施压”与“谋求对话”两者对立统一。从“危机”到“对话”这一变动中的朝鲜半岛新秩序为日本调整对朝政策提供契机;日本因应外部变化,试图通过调整对朝政策赢得战略主动。尽管对朝政策出现调整征兆,但日本对朝核心观念仍未发生根本性的变化,这是制... 展开



Abstract:In 2018,Japan’s policy toward DPRK,with the US-DPRK summit as a time point,can be divided into two phases:in the first phase,the most prominent feature of Japan’s policy toward DPRK is to emphasize “extreme pressure”;The second phase is more reflected in the “hedging” strategy under the new situation. It is not to abandon the “extreme pressure”,but to seek a relative balance,so that the “extreme pressure” and “seeki... 展开

Abstract:In 2018,Japan’s policy toward DPRK,with the US-DPRK summit as a time point,can be divided into two phases:in the first phase,the most prominent feature of Japan’s policy toward DPRK is to emphasize “extreme pressure”;The second phase is more reflected in the “hedging” strategy under the new situation. It is not to abandon the “extreme pressure”,but to seek a relative balance,so that the “extreme pressure” and “seeking dialogue” are the opposite of each other. The new Korean Peninsula order from the “crisis” to the “dialogue” provided an opportunity for Japan to adjust its policy toward DPRK;Japan responds to external changes and tries to win strategic initiatives by adjusting its policy toward DPRK. Despite the signs of adjustments to DPRK policy,Japan’s core concept of DPRK has not yet undergone fundamental changes. This is one of the biggest uncertainties that constrain the future relationship between Japan and DPRK. To search from its roots,policy adjustments to DPRK are the result of Japan’s self-reliance strategy. Looking forward to the future,the Korean nuclear issue and the security situation on the peninsula seem to have various prospects. Japan’s strategic concept and cognition and policy toward DPRK are also facing the challenge of searching for new positions.



