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作者:蒂姆·施皮克曼(TimSpiekerman) 黄兰花 出版日期:2019年05月 报告页数:28 页 报告大小: 报告字数:26690 字 所属图书:跨文化研究(2019年第1辑 总第6辑) 浏览人数: 下载人数:


Abstract:Does Henry V address the question of Henry's legitimacy as ruler?Has Henry really changed since his break with Falstaff?In this paper,the author believes that,behind Henry V's new moral exterior lay a battle-hardened,sly Machiavellian prince.As a Christian hero-king fighting for justice,the king was just a disguise for Henry,who was building a patriotic base for his illegal rule.Both the war and Henry's calculated transformatio... 展开

Abstract:Does Henry V address the question of Henry's legitimacy as ruler?Has Henry really changed since his break with Falstaff?In this paper,the author believes that,behind Henry V's new moral exterior lay a battle-hardened,sly Machiavellian prince.As a Christian hero-king fighting for justice,the king was just a disguise for Henry,who was building a patriotic base for his illegal rule.Both the war and Henry's calculated transformation are designed to legitimize his rule.In short,a crafty politician makes an unjust war seem just in the hopes of making an illegitimate king seem legitimate.



蒂姆·施皮克曼(Tim Spiekerman):美国肯庸学院;译者单位:北京师范大学文学院
