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作者:赵行姝 出版日期:2019年04月 报告页数:16 页 报告大小: 报告字数:14646 字 所属丛书:美国蓝皮书 所属图书:美国研究报告(2018):特朗普执政以来的内政外交 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:特朗普入主白宫以来,美国在应对气候变化领域出现一系列倒退做法。在2018财年预算中,美国联邦政府在气候变化活动方面的投入出现“断崖式”下降,几近全面停止。奥巴马政府时期,美国提供的国际气候资金总额位居全球前列。2009年至2016年,美国提供气候资金的总体趋势为:气候资金规模增加;资金来源市场化趋势增强;资金流向在亚、非、拉三洲基本持平;重点投资领域是温室气体减排特别是清洁能源开发。特朗普政府停止向国际气候变化项目出资会带来三个直接后果:一是加大... 展开



Abstract:Since Trump took the office,the United States has seen a cluster of fallback in combating climate change. In the fiscal year 2018,the U.S. federal government's investment budget for climate change activities took a tumble. During Obama administration,the total amount of international climate finance provided by the U.S. was among the highest in the world. From 2009 to 2016,the overall trend of climate fund provided by the U.S. con... 展开

Abstract:Since Trump took the office,the United States has seen a cluster of fallback in combating climate change. In the fiscal year 2018,the U.S. federal government's investment budget for climate change activities took a tumble. During Obama administration,the total amount of international climate finance provided by the U.S. was among the highest in the world. From 2009 to 2016,the overall trend of climate fund provided by the U.S. consists of the increase of climate fund and marketization of fund raising,the financial balancing among Asia,Africa and Latin America,and prioritization of clean energy development aiming at greenhouse gases reduction. Trump's suspension of the international climate fund produced three immediate consequences,increasing the supply-demand gap of international climate fund,weakening the compliance prospect of parties to the Paris Agreement,and affecting the adaptation activities to climate change. For the near future,there would be faint hope that Trump restart international climate fund,and the gap of which could only be filled otherwise.



