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作者:庄玲玲 出版日期:2019年04月 报告页数:13 页 报告大小: 报告字数:12457 字 所属丛书:葡语国家黄皮书 所属图书:中国与葡语国家合作发展报告(2019) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:澳门拥有独特的社团文化,数量众多的社团在澳门的不同历史时期发挥了重要作用,尤其是回归后,澳门社团成为联系政府与市民沟通的桥梁,其职能与作用不断扩大。随着澳门作为中国与葡语国家合作的平台作用日益凸显,澳门社团在中国与葡语国家合作中的功能将进一步拓展。本报告以澳门社团为研究对象,通过梳理澳门社团的发展类型、特点,分析其在促进中国与葡语国家合作中的推广中葡文化交融、加强中葡文化交流及提供中葡决策参考等功能,进而就新时代澳门社团在推动中国与葡... 展开



Abstract:Macao boasts a large number of societies with very long history,a rarity even in the world,and playing a distinct role in different parts of the history. After the Return,they have been adapting their function to bridge between the government and the public. The five consecutive sessions of the ministerial conferences have initiated a new model of economic cooperation between China and Portuguese-speaking countries(The Cooperation... 展开

Abstract:Macao boasts a large number of societies with very long history,a rarity even in the world,and playing a distinct role in different parts of the history. After the Return,they have been adapting their function to bridge between the government and the public. The five consecutive sessions of the ministerial conferences have initiated a new model of economic cooperation between China and Portuguese-speaking countries(The Cooperation),and ushered in a new phase of The Cooperation. Taking the societies in Macao as its subject,by combing through the types and characteristics of their development;analyzing their functions in promoting The Cooperation including but not limited to their role in promoting Sino-Portuguese cultural exchange and fusion,the paper concludes that,in order to deepen The Cooperation in the new era,it’s of huge significance that we strengthen the cooperation between the government and the societies in Macao and that with societies in Portuguese-speaking countries,and expand the platform for internal cooperation among the societies in Macao as well as that with those in the mainland.


