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作者:黎熙元 严丽君 出版日期:2018年12月 报告页数:19 页 报告大小: 报告字数:14506 字 所属图书:当代港澳研究(2018年第4辑,总第61辑) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:学术界普遍认同,“自由放任”和“积极不干预”是回归前香港福利模式遵循的基本原则。这一原则在回归后的命运备受关注。本文通过分析媒体报道、政府施政报告以及统计数据,从福利话语和政策实践两个层面探讨回归二十年来香港福利模式的转变。研究发现,在“自由主义”和“福利主义”两种话语权及其背后不同社会群体利益的争夺角逐中,特区政府通过最低工资立法、一次性纾困补贴等长期、短期措施来回应社会要求。虽然尚未触动“低税制”,但一些“少福利”的理财原则已经改... 展开



Abstract:The Social welfare reform becomes a hot topic in the public sphere recently,though the academic had claimed that the social welfare of Hong Kong developed in liberalist way before 1997.This paper explores the social welfare transform of Hong Kong in recent 20 years following two ways of the welfare discourse and policy practice on the material base of media reports,government reports and official statistics.We found that some fiscal... 展开

Abstract:The Social welfare reform becomes a hot topic in the public sphere recently,though the academic had claimed that the social welfare of Hong Kong developed in liberalist way before 1997.This paper explores the social welfare transform of Hong Kong in recent 20 years following two ways of the welfare discourse and policy practice on the material base of media reports,government reports and official statistics.We found that some fiscal expenditure principle had been revised by the government since 1997 through the ways of legislation for minimum hourly wage,one-time measure for relief living difficulty,etc,while different interest groups kept on debating about the ideal modes of welfare surplus or welfare state.However,welfare mode of Hong Kong will not change completely to welfarism in future but rather to a Hong Kong's mode—an increasingly completed surplus mode,since the society seems hardly to have consent about the elementary principle of welfare state—“social welfare is a human right”.



