文章摘要:风险是一种客观存在,现代社会转型发展面临着风险高发、频发态势。当前,陕西省正处于经济社会转型发展的关键时期,随着社会发展的不确定性增多,改革攻坚阶段社会矛盾以及经济发展不均衡性和社会预期上升性之间的矛盾都呈现出来,各种风险交织叠加,风险的多种形式在陕西省都有所表现。陕北、关中、陕南自然条件差异较大,自然灾害风险形势依然严峻,且表现形态各不相同。安全生产形势在总体平稳情况下,仍旧出现了几起影响全国的重特大事件。此外,生态环境保护成效与压... 展开
Abstract:At present,Shaanxi Province is in a critical period of economic and social transformation and development. With the increasing uncertainty of social development,the contradictions between social contradictions and imbalances in economic development and rising social expectations are presented. The risk is intertwined and the various forms of risk are manifested in our province. With the development of economy and society,new risks ... 展开