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作者:李绍先 出版日期:2018年07月 报告页数:16 页 报告大小: 报告字数:11204 字 所属图书:阿拉伯国家形势报告(2017) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2017年伊拉克喜忧交集。喜的是反恐战争取得历史性胜利,7月从“伊斯兰国”手中夺回摩苏尔,12月宣布收复所有国土;国际油价回升,石油出口收入增加,天然气开发也有提速之势;与沙特、土耳其等邻国关系改善。忧则表现在库尔德自治区9月25日实行“独立公投”;什叶派民兵借反恐之机壮大,可能成为伊拉克版的黎巴嫩真主党乃至伊朗革命卫队;美国、伊朗关系恶化,伊拉克可能遭受池鱼之殃等。2018年,伊拉克即将迎来四年一度的议会大选,形势发展面临较大不确定性。 展开



Abstract:In2017,Iraq is full of joys and sorrows. The joys were the historic victory of the war on terror, the recapture of Mosul from the Islamic State in July, the restoration of all land in December, the rebound in international oil prices, the increase in oil export revenues, the acceleration of natural gas development, and improvements in relations with neighboring countries such as Saudi Arabia and Turkey. The worry is manifested in the ... 展开

Abstract:In2017,Iraq is full of joys and sorrows. The joys were the historic victory of the war on terror, the recapture of Mosul from the Islamic State in July, the restoration of all land in December, the rebound in international oil prices, the increase in oil export revenues, the acceleration of natural gas development, and improvements in relations with neighboring countries such as Saudi Arabia and Turkey. The worry is manifested in the Kurdish autonomous region's "independent referendum" on September 25, the Shia militia became stronger, which may become the Iraqi version of the Lebanese Allah party and even the Iranian Revolutionary Guard,Iran relations with the United States was deteriorated, Iraq may suffer splashed and so on. In 2018, Iraq is about to usher in a four-year parliamentary election, the situation is facing greater uncertainty.


