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作者:胡汉新 方晓健 出版日期:2018年06月 报告页数:12 页 报告大小: 报告字数:10344 字 所属丛书:澳门绿皮书 所属图书:澳门旅游休闲发展报告(2017~2018) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:民航客运服务与旅游业的发展,可谓唇齿相依。澳门在历史上长期是我国对外通商的特殊口岸之一,是海上丝绸之路的重要节点。民航业作为建设“世界旅游休闲中心”的重要支撑,扮演着承载国内外客流、交通联系、物流中转等多种角色。澳门特区政府旅游局经历两年研究及编制,于2017年9月28日公布了《澳门旅游业发展总体规划》,制定澳门旅游业未来十五年的发展蓝图和行动纲领。该规划提出了由短期、中期以至十年以上的一系列行动计划。民航业如何与旅游发展规划有机接轨,是业... 展开



Abstract:Passenger transport of civil aviation industry and tourism development complement each other. Macau has a long history of being China’s exclusive hub to trade abroad and a key port of Maritime Silk Road. Civil Aviation industry,an indispensable standpoint of developing Macau as “World Centre of Tourism and Leisure”,plays a multi-role in handling passenger flow at home and abroad,transport connection,and air cargo transfer. Rece... 展开

Abstract:Passenger transport of civil aviation industry and tourism development complement each other. Macau has a long history of being China’s exclusive hub to trade abroad and a key port of Maritime Silk Road. Civil Aviation industry,an indispensable standpoint of developing Macau as “World Centre of Tourism and Leisure”,plays a multi-role in handling passenger flow at home and abroad,transport connection,and air cargo transfer. Recently,Macau Government Tourism Office published the final version of “Master Plan of the Development of Macau Tourism Industry”(the Plan),set up the blueprint and action plan for Macau tourism in the next 15 years. The Plan proposes a series of action plan in short period,medium period,and period of more than a decade. How may civil aviation judiciously connect with tourism development planning?That is a heated issue arouses attention of the industry so does the public. The paper puts focus on traits and current issues of concession right in Macau civil aviation industry,draws on the opening-up of concession right of civil aviation industry and looks forward to potential trend of Macau aviation industry.



