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作者:赵缇 出版日期:2018年03月 报告页数:18 页 报告大小: 报告字数:15477 字 所属丛书:海洋社会蓝皮书 所属图书:中国海洋社会发展报告(2017) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:在发展现状方面,2016年中国海洋环境整体状况基本稳定,但近岸海域环境问题仍然突出,特别是河口、海湾环境污染普遍严重。与全面建成小康社会的其他领域相比,目前我国海洋环境保护工作面临缺口大、任务重等问题,使海洋环境发展陷入瓶颈,成为实现全面建成小康社会目标的短板。在制度设计方面,2016年作为“十三五”规划的开局之年,中国海洋环境的顶层设计工作有较大推进,主要集中在海洋生态和海洋资源两大领域,但相关领域的基本法和专项法仍不完备。受技术进步的影响... 展开



Abstract:In terms of the marine development status,the overall situation of China's marine environment is basically stable in 2016,but the coastal area of environmental problems still stands out ,especially in estuary and the Gulf environmental pollution.Compared with to build a well-off society in all round way and other issues,current China's marine environmental protection is facing serious problems of working insufficiency and heavy ta... 展开

Abstract:In terms of the marine development status,the overall situation of China's marine environment is basically stable in 2016,but the coastal area of environmental problems still stands out ,especially in estuary and the Gulf environmental pollution.Compared with to build a well-off society in all round way and other issues,current China's marine environmental protection is facing serious problems of working insufficiency and heavy task making the marine environmental development trapped into a bottleneck,being an obstacle to achieve the goal of building a well-off society in all around way.On the field of regulation design,the year 2016,as the first year of “13th five-year Plan”,even though the top design of China's marine environmental protection has been greatly promoted particularly on marine ecology and marine resources ,the basic law and special Law in relevant field is still incomplete.Under the influence of technological progress,the future marine environmental protection will be more dependent on scientific and technological means.Current status of continuous ocean pollution indicates that the protection of the marine environment requires active cooperation of the government,public,social organizations involved.



赵缇:赵缇(1992~ ),女,山东淄博人,中国海洋大学法政学院博士研究生,研究方向为海洋社会学、公共政策与法律。