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作者:施济 出版日期:2018年03月 报告页数:13 页 报告大小: 报告字数:9703 字 所属丛书:教育蓝皮书 所属图书:中国教育发展报告(2018) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:近年来,在蓬勃发展的民办教育、野蛮生长的小微(实验)教育和热钱涌入的互联网教育之间,公立教育的校长、教师离职现象层出不穷,尤其是各地涌现的名校长、名教师离职事件,都发展成一个个网络公共话题,甚至个别地方还发生了群体事件。公办教师离职的原因有多重,收入太低、教育教学不自由、对心中理想教育的追求、对更好生活的向往……而离职潮现象也预示着社会环境和教育环境发生了深刻变化,教育体制亟待一场更深刻的改革。建议拓展教师自主教学空间、给予校长充分的... 展开



Abstract:With the boom in private education,increase in small innovative schools and the expansion of online education industry in recent years,there has been an exponential rise in the turnover of principals and teachers in China's public schools. The departure of famous principals and teachers from public schools has led to online debates and in some places even triggered mass incidents. There are many reasons behind this phenomenon,such ... 展开

Abstract:With the boom in private education,increase in small innovative schools and the expansion of online education industry in recent years,there has been an exponential rise in the turnover of principals and teachers in China's public schools. The departure of famous principals and teachers from public schools has led to online debates and in some places even triggered mass incidents. There are many reasons behind this phenomenon,such as teachers' low income,lack of autonomy in teaching,pursuit of an ideal education,and longing for a better life .The phenomenon is an indication that profound changes have taken place in China's society and education,and the education system urgently needs a more profound reform. Possible solutions are suggested,including: increasing teachers' autonomy in teaching,giving principals full autonomy in running schools,promoting the professional development of teachers,and creating multiple incentives for teachers.


