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作者:宋煜 出版日期:2018年01月 报告页数:13 页 报告大小: 报告字数:12387 字 所属丛书:互联网与国家治理蓝皮书 所属图书:互联网与国家治理发展报告(2017) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:互联网的发展对政府治理的影响日益加深。基于互联网的新兴服务与传统行政规制间的矛盾以及各相关主体之间的博弈,也成为互联网对政府现有规制挑战的表现之一。互联网带来的创新往往会产生复杂的治理形态,仅从“网络治理”的角度来讨论是难以深刻揭示其对于行政管理的本质意义的。本文以“移动出行”领域中政府对网络预约出租汽车的行业管理为案例,从“政府治理”与“社会治理”的逻辑着手,分析了网络预约出租汽车的发展历程、主要问题和市场回应,从国际、国家与地方三... 展开



Abstract:The impact of the internet on government governance is increasing dramatically. The contradiction between emerging Internet-based services and traditional administrative regulations and the game between the Stakeholders have also become one of the manifestations of the Internet’s challenges to the government. The innovation brought by the Internet often leads to the complex forms of governance. It is difficult to reveal the essence o... 展开

Abstract:The impact of the internet on government governance is increasing dramatically. The contradiction between emerging Internet-based services and traditional administrative regulations and the game between the Stakeholders have also become one of the manifestations of the Internet’s challenges to the government. The innovation brought by the Internet often leads to the complex forms of governance. It is difficult to reveal the essence of these emerging services internet-based from the research perspective of “Internet Governance”. Based on the logic of “government governance” and “social governance”,this paper takes the regulation of the App-based Ride-hailing Vehicle(ARV)in the Mobile-Travel industry as an example,analyzes the development history,main problems and market response. It analyzes the strategies of the government to deal with the ARV problem from the three levels,such as ininternational,national and local,and puts forward the regulatory path from technological innovation,service innovation and organizational innovation,as the reference to similar problems in the near future.


