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作者:潘永强 出版日期:2017年12月 报告页数:27 页 报告大小: 报告字数:22079 字 所属丛书:海丝蓝皮书 所属图书:21世纪海上丝绸之路研究报告(2017) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:中国近年在经济和国力上有所提升,因此期望在硬实力以外,在全球范围内推广软实力,以增强中国的影响力并提升形象。中国与马来西亚在地域上接近,有着稳定的双边关系,马来西亚也有大量华人人口,本文试图分析近年中国在马来西亚推展软实力的策略,以及相关努力的成效。基本上中国的崛起为马来西亚创造了许多机遇与商机,但在制度、价值观与文明体系这些深层次的软实力领域上,中国的影响力尚待加强,马来西亚执政联盟现行亲中国路线和引进中国资金的态度,也在体制内精英... 展开



Abstract:While the economic and political powers have been increased,China has tried to boost its soft power in worldwide to enhance its global influences and image,beside the hard power. Malaysia and China are geographically near each other and both countries have maintained the overall stability in bilateral relations. Malaysia has a large population of Chinese people. This paper attempts to analyze China’s strategy on promoting its soft ... 展开

Abstract:While the economic and political powers have been increased,China has tried to boost its soft power in worldwide to enhance its global influences and image,beside the hard power. Malaysia and China are geographically near each other and both countries have maintained the overall stability in bilateral relations. Malaysia has a large population of Chinese people. This paper attempts to analyze China’s strategy on promoting its soft power in Malaysia in recent years and evaluate the effectiveness of these efforts. The rise of China has brought business opportunities for Malaysian. However,China need to strengthen its soft power,especially in the areas of institution,values and civilized system. The Malaysian ruling coalition has taken a pro-China stance and introduces China capital into Malaysia,these policies have raised a controversy among the ruling elite. In addition,the internal governance of China can also affect or weaken the effort to promote its soft power in overseas.


