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局部动荡起伏 大国博弈加剧——2016年国际军事形势分析

作者:唐永胜 李薇 出版日期:2017年12月 报告页数:14 页 报告大小: 报告字数:12913 字 所属丛书:国际安全蓝皮书 所属图书:中国国际安全研究报告(2017) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2016年是国际局势发生重要转折的年份,重大事变明显增多,国际军事形势发展变化中的不确定性趋向上升。主要大国注重获取军事优势,加快战略调整,其中应对传统安全领域的挑战仍然占有重要位置,美俄尤其侧重防范大国战略竞争及其潜在冲突。随着新型领域科技装备的快速发展,世界军事革命的新一轮浪潮正在到来,新型领域已经成为军事斗争的重要空间和新疆域,围绕新型领域大国展开日趋激烈的战略博弈。军事冲突向政治、经济领域扩散和渗透的效应日益明显,这种外溢效应在中... 展开



Abstract:The year 2016 is an eventful year as well as an important turning point in the world order. The uncertainty about international military dynamics is rising. The major powers are speeding up strategic adjustment in a bid to gain military superiority over others. Tackling traditional security issues remains top of the agenda. Both the United States and Russia put priority on addressing strategic competition and potential conflicts betwe... 展开

Abstract:The year 2016 is an eventful year as well as an important turning point in the world order. The uncertainty about international military dynamics is rising. The major powers are speeding up strategic adjustment in a bid to gain military superiority over others. Tackling traditional security issues remains top of the agenda. Both the United States and Russia put priority on addressing strategic competition and potential conflicts between great powers. The rapid development of technology and equipment is ushering in a new round of worldwide military revolution. New sectors have become an important ground for military contestation. The great power game in new sectors is all fired up. The spillover effects of military conflicts on politics and economy is becoming more and more obvious,especially in the case of conflicts between the Middle East and Europe. The international system and its structure and the nature of international relations are undergoing major changes. The old world order is defunct and collapsing,unable to provide states with security and prosperity and not going to take a turn for the better. In the transition period,all countries,even the major powers,need to redefine their status. The relationship between countries is more complex. Although the world system at large is in a state of dynamic balance,it is also enmeshed in conflicts,disputes and turbulence.



