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作者:唐涛 赵子瑞 出版日期:2017年10月 报告页数:23 页 报告大小: 报告字数:18391 字 所属丛书:全球信息社会蓝皮书 所属图书:全球信息社会发展报告(2017) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:中亚及外高加索地区位于欧亚大陆的中心地带,石油和天然气资源丰富,但地区局势不稳影响了该地区信息化的发展。除哈萨克斯坦的信息化发展较好外,其他国家的信息化水平既低于全球平均水平,也低于“一带一路”沿线国家的平均水平。哈萨克斯坦十分重视信息化建设,先后出台了“信息哈萨克斯坦2020”“数字哈萨克斯坦计划”等国家信息化战略规划,并投入了较多资金,有力地促进了信息化建设步伐。而其他中亚国家或因经济落后或政局不稳,信息化水平提升较慢。外高加索地区的... 展开



Abstract:Central Asia and Transcaucasia,located in the core area of Eurasia,with an abundance of oil and gas resources,are of great strategic importance.In recent years,however,the rampant Three Evil Forces has resulted in great regional instability.The informatization development has been hindered by the economic underdevelopment and social instability.By the analysis on the Information Society Index(ISI)of the countries in this region... 展开

Abstract:Central Asia and Transcaucasia,located in the core area of Eurasia,with an abundance of oil and gas resources,are of great strategic importance.In recent years,however,the rampant Three Evil Forces has resulted in great regional instability.The informatization development has been hindered by the economic underdevelopment and social instability.By the analysis on the Information Society Index(ISI)of the countries in this region,this paper reaches an agreement that the overall informatization development of this region is at a considerably low level,except for Kazakhstan,which has a positive situation of informatization development,while the informatization development level of the rest is under the world average,and under the Belt and Road countries' average as well.This paper has made a detailed study of the informatization development of the countries with representative significance such as Kazakhstan of Middle Asia and Azerbaijan of Transcaucasia.With great importance attached to information technology developing,Kazakhstan has promulgated successively some strategies on national informatization such as Informational Kazakhstan 2020 and Digital Kazakhstan Planning,and has invested a considerable amount of money,greatly facilitating the informatization development,while the informatization development of other Central Asian countries is constraint by either the underdeveloped economy or the unstable political situation.Countries and regions of Transcaucasia all have a very similar degree of informatization development,ranking around the global 70th.Nevertheless,there is a highlight in cross-regional information infrastructure construction:the Trans-Eurasia Information Superhighway Program proposed by Azerbaijan,which has attracted many other countries to actively participate in.Currently,the information cooperation between China and those two regions is very limited,but since The Belt and Road Initiative has been brought out,there arises an urgent need for China to improve its resources of westward international communications network facilities,communication capability and service level,and China is keeping strengthening the information cooperation with those regions,especially in the field of network infrastructure construction.



