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作者:苗文龙 张德进 出版日期:2017年09月 报告页数:31 页 报告大小: 报告字数:20976 字 所属图书:经济发展“新常态”理论与创新 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:汇率持续波动在长期内必然对一国的行业生产率产生影响。本文根据汇率与生产率的理论关系,对中国工业制造业27个行业1998~2011年行业实际汇率进行测算,进而实证持续汇率波动对中国制造业生产率的影响,初步得出:近十多年来,中国行业实际汇率整体呈上升趋势,但行业间分化明显;在汇率升值导致出口份额可能下降的同时,低效率企业的退出使生存下来的企业销售收入和市场规模扩大,规模经济效应有助于企业降低生产成本和提高资本使用效率,进而促进企业生产率提高;而影响... 展开



Abstract:Exchange rate fluctuations are bound to have an impact on the productivity of a country’s industry.In the long term,according to the theory of the relationship between exchange rate and productivity,The paper calculates China’s 27 manufacturing industries real exchange rate during 1998-2011,over the past ten years,the real exchange rate rises on the whole,but exists clear differentiation between industries;Exchange rate apprec... 展开

Abstract:Exchange rate fluctuations are bound to have an impact on the productivity of a country’s industry.In the long term,according to the theory of the relationship between exchange rate and productivity,The paper calculates China’s 27 manufacturing industries real exchange rate during 1998-2011,over the past ten years,the real exchange rate rises on the whole,but exists clear differentiation between industries;Exchange rate appreciation leads export share’s decline of low efficiency enterprise,but expands the survival of the enterprise sales revenue and market size,the economies of scale will help enterprises to reduce production costs and improve the efficiency of capital use,and promote the enterprise productivity;In addition to the size of the sales,capital labor ratio and foreign inflows have a positive effect on labor productivity.It is urgent to further improve the RMB exchange rate formation mechanism of the market,increase the flexibility of RMB exchange rate,improve the financial market,reduce the cost of capital of enterprise financing,to provide the necessary financial support for technological progress of enterprises.



