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作者:李江春 张鹏 出版日期:2017年09月 报告页数:18 页 报告大小: 报告字数:17689 字 所属图书:国别和区域研究(2017年第1期,总第3期) 浏览人数: 下载人数:


Abstract:In December 2012,six Latin American countries established the Independent Association of Latin America to participate in the global climate governance as a climate negotiating group. Its influence has been increasing gradually. The member states of the Independent Association of Latin American generally adopt climate policies that prevail over those in other developing countries and their common position is also more radical. In glob... 展开

Abstract:In December 2012,six Latin American countries established the Independent Association of Latin America to participate in the global climate governance as a climate negotiating group. Its influence has been increasing gradually. The member states of the Independent Association of Latin American generally adopt climate policies that prevail over those in other developing countries and their common position is also more radical. In global climate governance,the Association is playing a leading and constructive role. However,given the developing-country status of the member states,there always exist the structural contradictions between socioeconomic development and climate change coping. Many obstacles remain to be overcome before the goal of sustainable development can be achieved.



李江春:李江春 天津外国语大学拉丁美洲研究中心助理研究员,主要研究拉美国际关系、政治、经济和社会以及国际关系理论。

张鹏:张鹏 天津外国语大学拉丁美洲研究中心教授,主要研究拉美文化教育、西班牙语。