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作者:朱永彪 出版日期:2017年09月 报告页数:7 页 报告大小: 报告字数:4911 字 所属图书:国别和区域研究(2017年第2期,总第4期) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:反恐格局与国际格局具有较强的联动性。长期以来,美国处于国际反恐的中心地位,并大肆采取双重标准,这与没有形成反恐的多极格局有直接关系。美国一直主导着全球反恐格局,以发动反恐战争的方式,维持着反恐单极格局,并以此作为维系国际单极格局、维系美国霸主地位的重要手段。近年来,反恐单极格局正在向多极格局转变,已形成了五个反恐联盟,这有利于破除西方在反恐中的双重标准,有助于打破美国的反恐霸权,有助于国际格局的多极化,对于中国的反恐工作具有重要意义,... 展开



Abstract:The anti-terrorist pattern has a strong linkage with the international pattern. The United States has long been at the center of international anti-terrorist operations. The double standard it adopts is held directly responsible for the failure in the formation of a multi-polar anti-terrorist pattern. The US has been dominating the global anti-terrorist pattern. And in order to maintain this unipolar pattern,it has been launching war... 展开

Abstract:The anti-terrorist pattern has a strong linkage with the international pattern. The United States has long been at the center of international anti-terrorist operations. The double standard it adopts is held directly responsible for the failure in the formation of a multi-polar anti-terrorist pattern. The US has been dominating the global anti-terrorist pattern. And in order to maintain this unipolar pattern,it has been launching wars on terrorism,and using wars on terrorism as a means to maintain a unipolar international community and the dominant position of the United States. In recent years,the unipolar anti-terrorist pattern of is shifting to the multi-polar pattern;five anti-terrorist alliances have been formed,which is believed to be conducive to breaking the double standard of the Western world in anti-terrorist operations and the US anti-terrorist hegemony,to the multi-polarization of the international pattern,as well as to China’s anti-terrorist operations. Therefore,China should actively promote the formation of a multi-polar anti-terrorist pattern.


