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作者:张群 出版日期:2017年09月 报告页数:13 页 报告大小: 报告字数:12419 字 所属丛书:复旦大学韩国研究丛书 所属图书:韩国研究论丛(总第三十二辑,2016年第二辑) 浏览人数: 下载人数:


Abstract:From 1994 onwards,the globalisation strategy by the Kim Youngsam Administration led South Korea towards constructing itself as a middle power.In general,the middle-power diplomacy by South Korea mainly centres on a function-oriented strategy,to which an action-oriented one is its supplement.Its focus is on South Korea's regional role,while at the same time it pays some attention to its global role.At the global level,South Korea ... 展开

Abstract:From 1994 onwards,the globalisation strategy by the Kim Youngsam Administration led South Korea towards constructing itself as a middle power.In general,the middle-power diplomacy by South Korea mainly centres on a function-oriented strategy,to which an action-oriented one is its supplement.Its focus is on South Korea's regional role,while at the same time it pays some attention to its global role.At the global level,South Korea conducts the niche diplomacy in such areas as international security,development and cooperation,and sustainable development,which have gained wide recognition in the international society.As far as the region is concerned,the limits of such factors as the DPRK's nuclear issue and geopolitics have constrained South Korea from competently playing the role of coordinator in Northeast Asian security cooperation.With the strengthening of its global and an improvement in the external milieu,South Korea will continue exploring a dual play of both regional and global roles.


