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作者:蒋菁 出版时间:2017年06月 报告页数:16 页 报告大小: 报告字数:14345 字 所属丛书: 所属图书:“一带一路”建设发展报告(2017) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:伴随着互联网的广泛应用与飞速发展,以及信息技术方面的突破性进展和商业应用渗透价值的不断扩大,电子商务模式得以快速发展。跨境电商合作是“一带一路”建设最适合优先推动的商业贸易模式,它可以通过缩短流通渠道,实现生产和消费的有效对接,使沿线各国分享开放合作带来的红利,促进“一带一路”国家间的分工协作,扩大相互市场开放。本文全面梳理了中国跨境电商的现状、市场格局、主要特点和发展趋势,分析了“一带一路”沿线国家跨境电商合作的潜力与国际环境,对“... 展开



Abstract:With the extensive application and rapid development of the Internet,as well as breakthroughs in information technology and the continuous expansion of the penetration value of commercial applications,the e-commerce model has achieved rapid development. Cross-border e-commerce cooperation is a business and trade model most suitable for prioritized promotion as far as the Belt and Road Initiative is concerned;it can shorten the chan... 展开

Abstract:With the extensive application and rapid development of the Internet,as well as breakthroughs in information technology and the continuous expansion of the penetration value of commercial applications,the e-commerce model has achieved rapid development. Cross-border e-commerce cooperation is a business and trade model most suitable for prioritized promotion as far as the Belt and Road Initiative is concerned;it can shorten the channels of circulation to achieve the effective docking of production and consumption,so that countries along “the Belt and Road” routes can have their share of dividend through opening-up and cooperation,to facilitate inter-country division of labour and expand mutual market opening. This article has comprehensively combed the current situation,market structure,main features and development trend of China’s cross-border e-commerce,and analysed the cooperation potential of cross-border e-commerce between countries along “the Belt and Road” routes and the international environment,as well as its impact on China’s economy and the challenges and problems facing the business model. It has proposed that a new concept and international perspective be used in the face of various challenges in “the Belt and Road” cross-border e-commerce cooperation. The article believes that strengthening the supply chain management and data analysis capabilities is the key direction of the next stage of cross-border e-commerce,based on the global branding strategy of traditional trade advantages.



