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作者:苑莉莉 出版日期:2017年06月 报告页数:26 页 报告大小: 报告字数:23401 字 所属图书:中国第三部门研究 第13卷 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:中国扶贫事业近年来处于由“政府主导型”向政府、市场和社会共同参与的多中心主体结构转型的关键时期,慈善信托将创新性地推动慈善组织和信托公司联动融入“参与式扶贫”和贫困的网络化治理。本文聚焦于如何通过慈善信托这种新兴的慈善方式来推动贫困治理结构转型,在网络化治理中有效实现扶贫的慈善目标。主要以两类案例来分析慈善信托的制度优势和模式创新:首先以陕西普惠金融慈善信托为案例,解析在信托制度架构的优势下政府-市场-社会三维格局的变化;接着分析新创建... 展开



Abstract:In China,the structure of poverty alleviation is transformed from Government-oriented to polycentric:the government,the market,the society and the impoverished groups. The charitable trust will motivate the charitable organization and the trust company to join the Participatory Poverty Alleviation Initiative through the innovative method-Social Finance. In order to promote the transformation of the network governance by the charit... 展开

Abstract:In China,the structure of poverty alleviation is transformed from Government-oriented to polycentric:the government,the market,the society and the impoverished groups. The charitable trust will motivate the charitable organization and the trust company to join the Participatory Poverty Alleviation Initiative through the innovative method-Social Finance. In order to promote the transformation of the network governance by the charitable trust,the key steps include to realize the charitable goal,to change the gap between rich and poor,and to build the all-round well-off society. Based on the theory of network governance,this article analyzes the relationships between the government,the market and the society after the implementation of the charitable trust innovation. In order to construct a model of network governance in poverty alleviation,two cases are introduced:The first is the Puhui Financial Charitable Trust in Shanxi Province to change the three interactions. The second contains eight new charitable trusts which are engaged in the poverty alleviation. Based on the case studies,the pattern of the participators and the resource integration process is concluded. The result will be the transformation from the participatory structure to the network structure,which takes advantage of charitable trust in the system and capacity modernization process of national governance in poverty alleviation.


