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作者:王邵军 出版日期:2017年06月 报告页数:16 页 报告大小: 报告字数:12434 字 所属丛书:工业和信息化蓝皮书 所属图书:战略性新兴产业发展报告(2016~2017) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2015年全球工业机器人销量再创历史新高,销量比上年增长15%,达到253748台。2013~2015年中国连续三年成为全球第一大工业机器人市场。近年来,我国国内品牌的市场份额有所增加。各级政府积极推动工业机器人产业发展,产品研发和推广应用显著提速。国际厂商聚焦人机协同等前沿技术研究,国内企业自主研发与推广应用并行,机器人仍然是投资热点。但是,我国工业机器人核心技术研发仍进展较慢,高端产品市场占有率较低,自主品牌需加快推广。未来,应落实《机器人产业发展规... 展开



Abstract:In 2015,industrial robot sales hit a new record which increased by 15% to 253,748 units. For three consecutive years,China has become the largest industrial robot market in the world. In recent years,market share of domestic brands has increased slightly. Governments at all levels actively design layout of industrial robot industry. Activities of R&D and application about industrial robot accelerate remarkably. International manuf... 展开

Abstract:In 2015,industrial robot sales hit a new record which increased by 15% to 253,748 units. For three consecutive years,China has become the largest industrial robot market in the world. In recent years,market share of domestic brands has increased slightly. Governments at all levels actively design layout of industrial robot industry. Activities of R&D and application about industrial robot accelerate remarkably. International manufacturers focus on cutting-edge technology such as man-machine collaboration,while domestic enterprises focus on independent research and application. Industrial robot is still a hot spot for investment. However,research on core technology is still slow in China. The market share of high-end products is small,and the promotion of domestic brands need to be accelerated. In the future,Development Plan of Industrial Robot (2016-2020) would be deployed,in order to achieve technology breakthrough,application and policy guidance. Therefore,industrial robot industry can maintain sustainable and healthy development.


