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作者:陈晔 出版日期:2017年03月 报告页数:22 页 报告大小: 报告字数:16251 字 所属丛书:海洋社会蓝皮书 所属图书:中国海洋社会发展报告(2016) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:近年来,我国海洋生态环境退化速度加快等一系列问题频发,海洋渔业转型势在必行。海洋渔业转型可以防止我国渔业资源持续衰退,推动我国海洋渔业产业发展,完善我国海洋渔业社会体系。海洋渔业转型是一项系统工程,包括海洋捕捞向海水养殖转型、粗放型养殖向生态型养殖转型、商业性渔业向休闲渔业转型以及近海捕捞向远洋捕捞转型。我国在海洋渔业转型过程中取得了一定成绩,但也存在一些问题,例如外来渔民流动性大、传统海洋渔业文化有待保护、渔业油价补贴事与愿违、海洋... 展开



Abstract:The occurrences of problems such as degradation of Chinese marine ecological environment become more often in recent years,so the transition of marine fisheries is imperative.The transition of marine fisheries can prevent the decline of fishery resources,promote the development of marine fisheries industry and improve the marine fisheries social system.The transition of marine fisheries is a systematic project,including transition ... 展开

Abstract:The occurrences of problems such as degradation of Chinese marine ecological environment become more often in recent years,so the transition of marine fisheries is imperative.The transition of marine fisheries can prevent the decline of fishery resources,promote the development of marine fisheries industry and improve the marine fisheries social system.The transition of marine fisheries is a systematic project,including transition from marine fishing to marine aquaculture,transition from extensive aquaculture to ecotype aquaculture,transition from commercial fisheries to recreational fisheries and transition from offshore fishing to deep sea fishing.Although some achievements has been made in the transition of Chinese marine fishery,there are still some problems,such as the high mobility of immigrating workers,the lack of effective protection of traditional marine fisheries culture,subsidy on fishing diesel oil and its unforeseen outcomes,and intensifying marine environmental pollution.In addition,the international fisheries market experiences weakness.The importance of transition of marine fishing can never be over emphasized.First of the all,transition of marine fishing must be paid enough attention and to the same level of importance of sea power nation strategy.Measures such as,focusing on the transition of whole-industry-chain of marine fishery,strengthening the national level coordination and managements,increasing international cooperation,will play an active role in the transition and improvement of Chinese marine fisheries.



陈晔:陈晔(1983~ ),男,浙江镇海人,上海海洋大学经济管理学院讲师,博士,研究方向:海洋经济与文化。