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作者:狄乾斌 计利群 出版日期:2016年06月 报告页数:15 页 报告大小: 报告字数:11865 字 所属图书:中国海洋经济(2016年第1期 总第1期) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2001~2014年,中国海洋经济增长迅速,产业结构呈现“高级化”状态且保持稳定,涉海就业人员数量不断增长并保持较高人均产值。本文为了研究海洋经济增长、产业结构变动和涉海就业之间的关系,利用向量自回归(VAR)模型将三者纳入同一框架进行分析。通过VAR(2)环境下的格兰杰因果关系检验、IRF脉冲响应函数、方差分解等工具分析三者之间的关系,得到海洋经济增长和涉海就业人员数量是引起海洋经济产业结构变化的格兰杰原因。针对分析结果提出提升海洋经济发展质量,推动... 展开



Abstract:China’s marine economy had grown rapidly from 2001 to 2014 and it’s industrial structure shown “high-level” state and had remained stable,ocean-related employment had increased and maintained a higher per capita output,marine economy has increasingly become the important growth point of national economy. In order to know the relationship among the ocean economic growth and the change of industrial structure and ocean-related emp... 展开

Abstract:China’s marine economy had grown rapidly from 2001 to 2014 and it’s industrial structure shown “high-level” state and had remained stable,ocean-related employment had increased and maintained a higher per capita output,marine economy has increasingly become the important growth point of national economy. In order to know the relationship among the ocean economic growth and the change of industrial structure and ocean-related employment,this paper includes the above three factors in the same framework and analyse interactively using VAR model. Analyse the relationship among the three factors by granger causality test of VAR(2)model,IRF impulse response function and variance decomposition analysis tools. The conclusion is that marine economy growth and ocean-related employment number is the granger causality of the change of the marine economy industry structure;Marine economy growth has long-term and one-way impact on the marine industry structure changes,contribution is about 40%;Ocean-related employment has alternating direction dynamic effect on the marine industry structure changes,contribution is about 6%. This paper gives the suggestions that put forward improving the quality of marine economic development,promote marine development of emerging industry and promote the free flow of ocean-related employment people.



