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作者:席月民 出版日期:2016年06月 报告页数:25 页 报告大小: 报告字数:24936 字 所属丛书:中国法治论坛 所属图书:法治发展与司法改革 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:中国所得税制发展的历史并不长,如何在国家、企业和个人之间实现社会财富的公平分配,是当前全面深化所得税制改革需要认真研究的重要问题。本文回顾了所得税制在中国的发展历史,归纳了企业所得税制与个人所得税制的现有特点,分析了中国未来所得税制改革需要重点考量的问题,包括所得税的征税范围、所得的科学分类、税收公平与量能负担原则的适用、两税合一的正当性以及国际税收协定在减少重复征税方面的补强等,最后分别从《个人所得税法》和《企业所得税法》两个方面,... 展开



Abstract:The income tax system does not have a very long history in China and currently the main issue faced China in carrying out comprehensive reform of the income tax system is how to realize equitable distribution of social wealth between the state,the enterprise and the individual. This article reviews the historical development of income tax in China,summarizing the characteristics of the current corporate and individual income tax sys... 展开

Abstract:The income tax system does not have a very long history in China and currently the main issue faced China in carrying out comprehensive reform of the income tax system is how to realize equitable distribution of social wealth between the state,the enterprise and the individual. This article reviews the historical development of income tax in China,summarizing the characteristics of the current corporate and individual income tax systems,analyzing the main issues to be taken into consideration by China in the future reform of the income tax system,including the scope of taxation,the scientific classification of income,application of the principle of equitable taxation and the principle of taxation on capability,the justifiability of income tax integration,the role played by international taxation agreements in reducing repetitive taxation,and puts forward concrete suggestions on the improvement of both corporate and individual income tax systems.


