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作者:蔡香玉 出版日期:2015年03月 报告页数:23 页 报告大小: 报告字数:31568 字 所属图书:海洋史研究(第七辑) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:十三行时期(1684~1842),曾有一批以法语为母语或者是能够熟练使用法语的商人群体在广州口岸活动。前者主要是法国人,随法国东印度公司而来,个别商人来自瑞士,后者则来自荷兰、德意志等法国周边国家或地区。而目前十三行研究中心所在地也是广州大学城所在地的番禺区小谷围岛,在当时的西方文献中被称为法国人岛,主要即因该岛曾是法国东印度公司商船水手的居停游冶之所。这些商人群体留下了不少以法语记录的相关文献,可以让后来的研究者从中探讨十三行时期以广州口岸... 展开

文章摘要:十三行时期(1684~1842),曾有一批以法语为母语或者是能够熟练使用法语的商人群体在广州口岸活动。前者主要是法国人,随法国东印度公司而来,个别商人来自瑞士,后者则来自荷兰、德意志等法国周边国家或地区。而目前十三行研究中心所在地也是广州大学城所在地的番禺区小谷围岛,在当时的西方文献中被称为法国人岛,主要即因该岛曾是法国东印度公司商船水手的居停游冶之所。这些商人群体留下了不少以法语记录的相关文献,可以让后来的研究者从中探讨十三行时期以广州口岸为主的中外交往历史的诸多面相。本文所辑法语文献有三个来源:一是笔者在荷兰学习期间,从法国巴黎、荷兰莱顿和海牙各图书馆中收集到的十三行时期的法语文献和研究专著;二是在法国国家图书馆网站上下载的法语文献、画册和地图[1];三是参考耿昇、范岱克(Paul A.Van Dyke)等前辈学者的相关研究了解到的法语文献信息。[2]这些文献大体上可分为四类:一是法国东印度公司对华贸易档案资料(含当代学者对法国东印度公司历史的研究);二是法国广州商馆/领事馆雇员的游记/回忆录;三是非法国人留下的法语资料;四是图录。此种分类在文献学上当有可议,只是在目前文献收集有限


Abstract:This paper gives a general introduction to the French literatures concerning the Canton Thirteen Hongs.These literatures help to reconstruct the organization and function of the French East India Company and the commercial operations of the French private merchants in Canton in the second half of the 18th century.Nontheless,the literatures that were produced by the non-French merchants in China also provide abundant details on their ... 展开

Abstract:This paper gives a general introduction to the French literatures concerning the Canton Thirteen Hongs.These literatures help to reconstruct the organization and function of the French East India Company and the commercial operations of the French private merchants in Canton in the second half of the 18th century.Nontheless,the literatures that were produced by the non-French merchants in China also provide abundant details on their own countries’ China Trade.These literatures,together with the archives of the EIC,VOC and the American companies,it is worthwhile to make a comparative study on the commercial operations of the companies of different nationalities at the end of the 18th century,a great transitional period witnessed the switch of power between the Qing Empire and the western countries and a fundamental change in the world commercial structure.


