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作者:邹振环 出版日期:2015年03月 报告页数:42 页 报告大小: 报告字数:46243 字 所属图书:海洋史研究(第七辑) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:在明末较为系统介绍的西学中,意大利耶稣会士利玛窦(Matteo Ricci,1552-1610)所译绘的世界地图特别引人注目。人类文明的发展,与语言、图形、文字和数字符号出现的过程相伴随,文化的沟通与对话一般也经历类似的阶段。利玛窦的世界地图,系晚明西方传教士传入中国的第一部汉文西学经典。作为汉文世界中全球面貌的第一次展示,利玛窦的世界地图给中国人带来了许许多多新的知识点,该图的多次刊刻,在中国乃至东亚都产生了极大的影响。利玛窦的世界地图尽管问世在400多年... 展开

文章摘要:在明末较为系统介绍的西学中,意大利耶稣会士利玛窦(Matteo Ricci,1552-1610)所译绘的世界地图特别引人注目。人类文明的发展,与语言、图形、文字和数字符号出现的过程相伴随,文化的沟通与对话一般也经历类似的阶段。利玛窦的世界地图,系晚明西方传教士传入中国的第一部汉文西学经典。作为汉文世界中全球面貌的第一次展示,利玛窦的世界地图给中国人带来了许许多多新的知识点,该图的多次刊刻,在中国乃至东亚都产生了极大的影响。利玛窦的世界地图尽管问世在400多年前,但关于该图的研究却是从20世纪初才开始的。1904年马格纳基(Alberto Magnaghi)在《意大利地理杂志》上发表了《利玛窦神父在中国的地理事业》一文,揭开了利玛窦世界地图研究的序幕。从1911年起,意大利学者汾屠立(P.T.Venturi)、英国学者巴德雷(J.F.Baddeley)、希伍德(E.Heawood)、翟林奈(Lionel Giles)等先后撰文探索版本问题,中国学者洪业、曹婉如等,日本学者鲇泽信太郎、意大利学者德礼贤(Pasquale M.D.Elia)等都做过深入的研究。日本学者鲇泽信太郎在1936年先


Abstract:Matteo Ricci’s World Map(《坤舆万国全图》)includes among Chinese and Western knowledge systems,was the first to draw a Chinese map of the world by European scholars.The literature in terms of accuracy and richness of knowledge representation,far more than the contemporary European world map drawn,was the highest level of the world map.It was the first work to introduce to Chinese people the European geographic theories,includin... 展开

Abstract:Matteo Ricci’s World Map(《坤舆万国全图》)includes among Chinese and Western knowledge systems,was the first to draw a Chinese map of the world by European scholars.The literature in terms of accuracy and richness of knowledge representation,far more than the contemporary European world map drawn,was the highest level of the world map.It was the first work to introduce to Chinese people the European geographic theories,including Geocentric Theory,Round-Earth Theory,the five continents and five zones.Meanwhile,it also introduces a number of land and sea animals with both images and annotations.Based on previous researches,this paper mainly analyzes the land and sea animals on the printed and colored copies of Ricci’s World Map of 1602 so as to demonstrate how this map helps to spread the new animal knowledge in the Age of Discovery to Chinese people,and how it relates animals in the New World(the North and South Americas)to those in the Old World(Asian,European and African continents).This paper also reveals how Ricci attempted to preach Christianity by utilizing different symbols and metaphors of animals.As recorded in the Chinese translation of Western geographic works(汉文地理学西书)written by a Jesuit in the late Ming and early Qing dynasty,the animal knowledge presented in Ricci’s World Map of 1602 is the guidance of another two Chinese geographic works afterwards—Record of the Not-Tributary States(《职方外纪》)and World Map of Descriptive Text(《坤舆图说》).In addition,by comparing the descriptions in the map with Chinese traditional literature on animal knowledge,this paper presents the important correlations between them.


