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作者:孙来臣 出版日期:2015年03月 报告页数:37 页 报告大小: 报告字数:43620 字 所属图书:海洋史研究(第七辑) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:在世界文明的相互交流中,军事技术总是最先被引进,因为若不如此,就会大难临头、国破族亡。Europe and Southeast Asia:The Military Balance(Townsville,Queensland:Center for Southeast Asian Studies,James Cook University of North Queesland,1982),p.1.">[1]——安东尼·瑞德(Anthony Reid):《欧洲和东南亚》武器和军事组织方面的任何巨变都会使一些民族比以前更容易实现目标,却也让其他民族面临前所未有、难以克服的困难,由此影响政治与社会。火枪的... 展开

文章摘要:在世界文明的相互交流中,军事技术总是最先被引进,因为若不如此,就会大难临头、国破族亡。Europe and Southeast Asia:The Military Balance(Townsville,Queensland:Center for Southeast Asian Studies,James Cook University of North Queesland,1982),p.1.">[1]——安东尼·瑞德(Anthony Reid):《欧洲和东南亚》武器和军事组织方面的任何巨变都会使一些民族比以前更容易实现目标,却也让其他民族面临前所未有、难以克服的困难,由此影响政治与社会。火枪的出现正是这样一种巨变。The Age of Gunpowder Empires,1450-1800(Washington D.C.:American Historical Association,1989),p.1.">[2]——威廉·H.麦克尼尔(William H.McNeill):《1450~1800年的火药帝国时代》在亚洲军事史上,有关1511年葡萄牙入侵马六甲之前中国火器技术传入东南亚




Abstract:There is a large lacunae in Asian military history on the transfer of Chinese gunpowder technology to Southeast Asia before the sack of Melaka by the Portuguese in 1511.This research focuses on two issues in Sino-Vietnamese relations and Vietnamese history with respect to the spread of Chinese firearms.The first issue between China and Viet Nam is who borrowed gunpowder technology from whom.The second issue involves the driving forces... 展开

Abstract:There is a large lacunae in Asian military history on the transfer of Chinese gunpowder technology to Southeast Asia before the sack of Melaka by the Portuguese in 1511.This research focuses on two issues in Sino-Vietnamese relations and Vietnamese history with respect to the spread of Chinese firearms.The first issue between China and Viet Nam is who borrowed gunpowder technology from whom.The second issue involves the driving forces behind the external expansion of Dai Viet,during the fifteenth century,including both the well-known episode of the fall of the Cham capital,Vijaya,in 1471 and the little-known “long march” of Dai Viet,troops to the Irrawaddy River between 1479 and 1484.This research approaches the issue from a technological perspective by taking military technology into account.It argues that Chinese-derived gunpowder technology played an important role in Dai Viet southward and westward expansion in the late fifteenth century.


