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作者:吕欣 出版日期:2016年07月 报告页数:15 页 报告大小: 报告字数:12652 字 所属丛书:国际安全蓝皮书 所属图书:中国国际安全研究报告(2016) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:在网络空间中,信息的跨国界流动改变了社会组织方式和世界政治、经济格局,使国家安全面临的环境和形势更为复杂多变。网络空间一方面促使国家政治、经济、军事、文化、社会等各个方面因素发生了巨大变革,使这些关系到国计民生的关键领域对信息网络的依赖性越来越强。另一方面,网络的迅速发展以及与社会现实空间的深入融合使网络空间的概念得到不断拓展,网络空间对国家主权、安全、发展利益带来新挑战,提出新要求,产生深远影响。本报告在对国际网络空间安全新态势进行... 展开



Abstract:In cyberspace,cross-national circulation of information has changed the way a society is organized as well as the world political and economic landscape,making the national security situation more complex and volatile. On the one hand,cyberspace has brought about great changes in politics,economy,military,culture,and society of the country and there is a growing dependence of these key areas that concern people’s well-being on... 展开

Abstract:In cyberspace,cross-national circulation of information has changed the way a society is organized as well as the world political and economic landscape,making the national security situation more complex and volatile. On the one hand,cyberspace has brought about great changes in politics,economy,military,culture,and society of the country and there is a growing dependence of these key areas that concern people’s well-being on the information network. On the other hand,with the rapid development of the network and its penetration into the reality,the concepts of cyberspace have been broadened. It ensues that cyberspace has brought new challenges to and exerted great influence on a nation’s sovereignty,security and development interests. Based on a summary and analysis of the new international cyberspace security situation,this report,under the guidance of the overall security outlook,puts forward the research framework and main contents about the national cyberspace security strategy,conducts a systematic analysis of the cyberspace security goals,connotations and support,and proposes nine strategies essential to safeguarding cyberspace security,which concern key information infrastructure protection,cyberspace data security,cyberspace security personnel,cyberspace information technology innovation and industrial development strategy,cyberspace law,cyberspace security standards,cyberspace security information sharing and emergency-handling,international cyberspace security governance,and military capacity building via cyber technology.


